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NP Atobarai


Saleor uses NP Atobarai's "Individual Real Time Registration Mode (Sync)". This means that each "Register transaction" API call is requesting only a single transaction and the credit check result is available immediately.

What is NP Atobarai?

NP Atobarai (japanese: NP 後払い) is a deferred payment method dedicated to the Japanese market.

Net Protections, the gateway operator, performs a credit check when a transaction is registered. Once an order is placed, the customer receives a paper invoice (via a traditional post) that can pay up to 14 days, e.g. in a local convenience store.

The merchant receives funds once as soon as the shipment is delivered, regardless of the payment status on the customer's end.


Go to Configuration -> Plugins -> NP 後払い and fill in the fields:

  • Merchant Code, SP Code, Terminal ID: you will receive those credentials while enrolling in Net Protections

  • Use sandbox: when enabled, transactions will be targeting the Net Protections test environment.

  • Fill missing address: when enabled, the system will append required locality information based on a database of japanese postal codes. Since city and cityArea are not valid fields for Japanese addresses, this information has to be part of streetAddress1/streetAddress2. We recommend testing both options with your storefront implementation and pick the one that doesn't result in duplicate address information.

  • Shipping company code: this field indicates which shipping carrier should appear in the fulfillment reports. For a list of available shipping carriers, please refer to the NP Atobarai documentation. If you want to use multiple carriers, please refer to the developers section of the documentation.

  • Product SKU as name: by default, Saleor is using the product name as a description of the line item. You can use this option to use SKU instead.


There are several limitations:

  • The only supported currency are Japanese yen (JPY).

  • The customer needs a Japanese phone number and postal address in order to pass the credit check.

  • The shipment has to be fulfilled using one of the supported local carriers.

  • NP Atobarai payments are processed in full, even for partial fulfillments.

  • NP Atobarai are marked as fully charged once they receive a successful credit check. The actual transfer of funds happens later and is indicated in the order events section.

Using NP Atobarai

Preparing a checkout

To prepare a checkout, you need to follow the steps described in Creating a checkout session and Selecting a shipping method.

Please note that NP Atobarai is only applicating to the Japanese market, as it requires:

  • a Japanese postal address
  • a Japanese phone number (country code: +81)
  • only supports payments in Japanese yen (JPY)
  • the shipment has to be fulfilled using one of the supported local carriers
mutation {
input: {
channel: "channel-jpy"
email: ""
lines: [{ quantity: 1, variantId: "UHJvZHVjdFZhcmlhbnQ6MjA4" }]
billingAddress: {
firstName: "John"
lastName: "Doe"
phone: "+81 03-1234-5678"
country: JP
postalCode: "102-0083"
countryArea: "東京都"
streetAddress1: "千代田区"
streetAddress2: "麹町4-2-6"
shippingAddress: {
firstName: "John"
lastName: "Doe"
phone: "+81 03-1234-5678"
country: JP
postalCode: "102-0083"
countryArea: "東京都"
city: ""
cityArea: ""
streetAdds1: "千代田区"
streetAddress2: "麹町4-2-6"
) {
checkout {
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Creating a payment

The next step is to choose NP Atobarai as a payment gateway that we want to use to process checkout. For this gateway, we need to provide: token, gateway and amount.


Description of the checkoutPaymentCreate mutation can be found here.

mutation {
checkoutId: "Q2hlY2tvdXQ6MWZiMmM1OGUtN2JhMy00YmY5LWI2ZDItNWY2ZWJiN2U3ZWJj"
input: { gateway: "", amount: 45.61 }
) {
payment {
errors {

Completing the checkout

After we create a payment object for the NP Atobarai payment gateway, we can call the checkoutComplete mutation.

mutation {
checkoutId: "Q2hlY2tvdXQ6YjBhYTUzMWItYjc3NS00MzM3LTkxNzEtYTgzOTYwYThjMmVk"
) {
order {
errors {

If the credit check was successful, an order will be created.

In case of errors, NP recommends to display an error according to the communication guidelines available in their documentation. Since customers most likely won't be able to fix that error, NP recommends offering your customers an alternative payment method.

Handling errors during checkout

In order to allow translation of gateway-specific payment errors, the plugin is returning error codes instead of human-readable text in the message field. You can recognize gateway-specific errors by its code: PAYMENT_ERROR.

This is an example response when attempting to complete a checkout with a non-japanese phone number.

"checkoutComplete": {
"order": null,
"errors": [
"code": "PAYMENT_ERROR",
"message": "TR#E0100065"

The raw gateway codes returned by Saleor are prefixed by the operation name, e.g. TR# for transaction registration which is performed when the checkoutComplete mutation is invoked.

For an up to date list of NP error codes please refer to the NP documentation.

Saleor introduces several internal codes in order to allow consistent processing across internal and external errors, although most of them can be eliminated by validating data on the frontend.

  • SALEORNP000 - networking error occurred while communicating with the payment gateway
  • SALEORNP001 - missing billing address
  • SALEORNP002 - missing shipping address
  • SALEORNP003 - invalid billing address, this can happen for invalid post codes with the "Fill missing address" option switched on
  • SALEORNP004 - invalid shipping address, this can happen for invalid post codes with the "Fill missing address" option switched on
  • SALEORNP005 - payment has no pspReference
  • SALEORNP006 - payment with the given id could not be found
  • SALEORNP007 - tracking number is missing
  • SALEORNP008 - carrier company code is invalid

For errors that cannot be parsed, we recommend to display a generic payment error.

Invalid address

This is an example response when attempting to complete a checkout with an address that is not specific enough for NP.

"checkoutComplete": {
"order": null,
"errors": [
"field": null,
"message": "TR#E0100065"

Pending transaction

This is an example response when transaction receives a pending status. In such a scenario, the transaction is cancelled and the customer should be advised to use another payment method. The reason code for the transaction being pending is returned as the error code.

"checkoutComplete": {
"order": null,
"errors": [
"field": null,
"message": "TR#RE009\nTR#RE014"

Supporting multiple shipping carriers

For a single shipping carrier, it is sufficient to set up a global shipping company code in the plugin settings.

In order to support dynamic carrier codes, the plugin supports a way of overriding the default code by specifying a custom code in Fulfillment's private metadata under the np-atobarai.pd-company-code key.